Wednesday 31 August 2016

BBC presenter shares video of bizarre road rage incident

LONDON — BBC presenter Jeremy Vine has shared a video of a road rage incident he was involved in last Friday while cycling through London.

In the clip below, filmed on cameras attached to Vine's helmet and the rear of his bike, a woman blares her horn while driving behind Vine on a narrow street in Kensington, London. Vine stops his bike to tell her he needs to be cycling a safe distance away from the parked cars, at which point she gets out of her own car and confronts him.

There's quite a lot of shouting, swearing and angry confusion before Vine rides off again. Later in the clip, the woman gets out of her car while stopped at a red light and confronts Vine once more. Read more...

More about Uk, London, Helmet Cam, Cyclist, and Road Rage

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