Friday 20 October 2017

5 Reasons to Use a Online Chat like JivoChat

You can sell more and get to know your customers better. How?

  1. You will collect more leads
  2. A chat saves time!
  3. Get detailed reports
  4. Leave your support active 24 hours a day
  5. You will sell more

5. You will get more leads

According to several studies, a large percentage of customers do not purchase the product when they visit a sales page for the first time. This purchase is usually made after at least a few more visits to the page.

For this reason, you need to find a way to reach out to your site visitors after they visit the sales pages for the first time. The most effective way to do this today is through email.

Using a platform like JivoChat, you can collect the email from the potential customer. Then just use that contact through email marketing campaigns to try and boost your conversion rates.

Ever wondered how many customers you may be missing out on not collecting their contacts?

Email Marketing Jivochat

4. A chat saves time!

Have you stopped to calculate how much time you lose per day, responding to emails with doubts from your customers? With an online chat, these doubts would be answered right now. And by wasting less time with email, you’ll have more time to do other important tasks like tracking your inventory or even optimizing your sponsored links campaigns!

3. Get detailed reports

With JivoChat, in addition to getting a summary of each conversation, you also get reports that tell you how many customers your team has assisted during the day, how satisfied they are with them or even the source of traffic that originated that chat.

In this way, you can also optimize your support in order to convert more customers. This is great for people who manage teams of support operators, for example.

2. Leave your support active 24 hours a day

Can not be online to support? No problem: With JivoChat, you can leave your chat offline and receive messages from customers that will be launched directly to your email. This way, you have a support 24 hours a day.

Plus, with our mobile apps for iPhone and Android (know them here), you can support your customer even if they’re not in front of your computer.

Clock JivoChat

1. You will sell more

Did you know that a potential customer loses the will to buy your product if you do not complete the purchase after 48 hours? With an online chat in your e-commerce, you will be able to close the sale on time, taking advantage of the initial impulse that your client has shown.

Jivochat Online Live Chat for Websites

So, what are you waiting for? Click on and get to know JivoChat better! (Ask them anything in their chat!).

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The post 5 Reasons to Use a Online Chat like JivoChat appeared first on Nigeria Technology Guide.

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