Tuesday 14 July 2020

Save 50 Percent On A 1-Year Subscription To Dashlane’s Premium Password Manager

It goes without saying, but there’s no cybersecurity measure more paramount to your ongoing protection than secure, uncompromised passwords. A strong, unique password for every site you visit is your most proactive deterrent to becoming a victim of password theft.

However, it’s virtually impossible for anyone to keep track of the dozens of personal and professional passwords we all need to access almost anything online. Where our limited memory often fails, the help of a staunch password manager is critical now for safeguarding you, your information, and your peace of mind while out on the web.

Dashlane Password Manager has distinguished itself as one of the world’s smartest, simplest and most secure password managers anywhere, even earning App of the Year distinctions from both Apple and Google from more than 100,000 5-star reviews. Right now, you can get a one-year subscription to all of Dashlane’s services for half off the regular price, only $29.99.

Armed with their own patented security architecture, a robust autofill feature, and an instant password generator and changer, Dashlane has fully streamlined the process of protecting your accounts while remaining extremely convenient. If you need a new password, Dashlane will come up with one up to 30 characters long using all character sets and store it. When you return to that site, Dashlane will automatically fill in your details. Or if you’re concerned, it’s been too long since you updated a password, Dashlane can change it, also with a single click.

Once you set up an account, your single master password gives you access to your own secure Dashlane vault where you can store all your usernames, passwords, financial information, and other sensitive personal and professional details. On top of the already firm military-grade encryption, your master password is the only way to access that information — even Dashlane doesn’t have access to your data. You can also layer in added security measures like two-factor authentication to further strengthen your protection.

Whether you’re on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, your Dashlane account syncs across it all, even if you operate in both Apple and Android environments. Dashlane is also chock full of extra features to make your security easy, like a safe password sharing option or a legacy procedure to transfer all of your existing passwords to a designated friend or family member if you’re faced with an emergency.

Regularly $59.99, first-time users can now save $30 off the price of a full year of Dashlane Password Manager Premium Plan protection, cutting your cost down to only $29.99 while this deal lasts.

Note: Terms and conditions apply. See the relevant retail sites for more information. For more great deals, go to our partners at TechBargains.com.

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