Friday 21 August 2020

Get Over 20 Hours Of Elite Ethical Hacking Training For Just $13

COVID-19 isn’t just putting the entire world on edge. It’s also sparked an unprecedented flood of cyberattacks. The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center reported fielding 3,000 to 4,000 cybersecurity complaints a day, up from about 1,000 per day before COVID. And did you know researchers found your Amazon Alexa to have “major vulnerabilities” when it comes to protecting you and your vital information from cybercriminals?

In light of such stories, it’s easy to think that IT security is all about posting a strong defense. However, ethical hackers entrusted to defend computer systems play plenty of offense as well, using a forward-thinking approach to identify threats and neutralize them.

The Hacking In Practice: Ethical Hacking Mega Course is designed to give you the background to be that security professional, actively spotting and thwarting cybercrime to protect your company’s vulnerable digital operations or even your own.

With over 230 lectures covering more than 20 hours of practical training, students get thorough schooling in all aspects of cybersecurity. Once you jump in, even as a pure IT security novice, you’ll quickly understand the terms, tools, and methods you’ll need to become a full-service ethical hacker.

After working your way through the introductory training in tracing the evolution of cyber threats, evaluating recent IT security trends, and debunking some popular myths, the course gets proactive. Users learn all about data security, threat modeling, risk assessment, and everything it takes to secure, manage, and grow a protected digital network.

With all this training, few rocks are left unturned in your ethical hacking education as students learn how to ensure proper vetting of users, transport and app protocols, and even how to craft your own personalized set of hacking tools to eliminate system vulnerabilities and threats. There’s also complete training in how to create and grow new systems from the ground up, building rock-solid networks equipped to repel attackers from Day 1.

All this cybersecurity training usually goes for $99, but with the current deal, this package is on sale now for only $12.99.

Note: Terms and conditions apply. See the relevant retail sites for more information. For more great deals, go to our partners at

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