Friday 25 September 2020

Understand Machine Learning and Data Analysis With The Help Of This Expert-Led Training

This week in machine learning news, artificial intelligence is writing news with real style and awareness of prose. It’s also helping predict incidents of lead exposure. And get this…AI is even creating synthetic data for use in place of the real data that’s usually used to reach machine learning conclusions.

Just think about the implications of that one for a second.

No matter whether that fills you with amazement or fear, there’s no argument that the impact of deep learning is staggering. And for a technology with the ability to revolutionize literally every facet of life on Earth, there are some equally staggering opportunities for those who understand it all. The Deep Learning and Data Analysis Certification Bundle ($39.99, 90 percent off) can help make you one of those enlightened and highly employable few.

This package brings together eight courses that explain how data analysis, visualizations, statistics, deep learning, and more really work.

For any hope to really internalize information this complex, you need an instructor with an absolute command of their subject — and Minerva Singh knows her stuff. A seasoned data scientist, with a PhD from Cambridge and another degree from Oxford, Singh has spent years analyzing data and applying those findings to the creation of neural networks, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Now, Singh is opening up all that experience to eager deep learning students with these courses that don’t just examine how machines think, but also make those explanations understandable to new learners.

Beginning with Data Analysis Masterclass With Statistics and Machine Learning In R, students are off and running, confronting easy-to-understand, hands-on examples of R programming and its place in the fabric of data science.

From there, the exploration continues as training covers topics like organizing large data sets, producing powerful visualizations and reports, making business forecasting related decisions, and understanding and working with various types of manufactured neural networks.

Singh is also a big advocate for free data analysis tools, so this package is often centered around accessible tools as opposed to proprietary apps that can cost big money. Students here learn to use tools like Karas, OpenCV and PyTorch, which can help you create your neural networks from scratch.

This world-shaping and career-changing technology training regularly sells for about $1,600, but in this collection, you’ll get everything you need for about $5 per course, just $39.99.

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