Monday, 3 January 2022

The Air Force Wants LIDAR on Robot Dogs

One of the Air Force’s robot dogs, crouched and ready for action. (Photo: USAF)
Robot dogs have gained another superpower, and this time, it’s the ability to “see” spaces and produce digital replications on humans’ behalf.

The US Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center (IMSC) has begun testing light detection and ranging, or LIDAR, on quadrupedal robots often referred to as “robot dogs.” Robot dogs, though slightly unsettling in appearance, are generally useful for navigating terrain and active situations considered too dangerous for humans or real dogs. They’re most often used by the military, though the New York Police Department tried deploying one in the Bronx earlier this year. (“Digidog” quickly had to turn in its badge after public outcry involving privacy and excessive force concerns.) Simply put, they’re a tactical tool.

With LIDAR, though, nimble robot dogs have the opportunity to bring their tactical practicality to the next level. A pulsing laser emits light waves into the robot’s environment, then measures variable distance based on the amount of time it takes for each pulse to “bounce” off surrounding objects and return to the sensor. The result is a 360-degree 3D rendering of the space, or as the IMSC puts it, a “digital twin.” According to a Popular Science report, the IMSC plans on using LIDAR to map out Florida’s Tyndall Air Force Base, which bore a significant amount of damage during Hurricane Michael in 2018. Rather than go straight to fixing the base’s facilities, the Air Force is using the assessment and repair process as an opportunity to brush up on advanced technologies that could expedite the process, as well as ensure the facilities are more resilient against weather-related damage in the future.

Air Force IMSC Staff Sergeant Javier Rodriguez says LIDAR-equipped robot dogs can also be used for reconnaissance and for emergency assessment. In a video produced by the IMSC, Rodriguez points out that LIDAR could be potentially life-saving in catastrophes such as aircraft crashes, in which it’s necessary to assess damage and potential for recovery prior to sending humans into the wreckage. LIDAR is considered the gold standard when it comes to scoping out new and familiar environments, as it reveals information that otherwise goes unseen, like how much of a material a crew might need to conduct a repair. The technology can also be used to investigate plumbing and HVAC problems, among other utility-related concerns.

LIDAR-equipped robot dogs have almost “endless” applications, the IMSC says. And, as a bonus, this LIDAR-focused move by the Air Force certainly leaves a better taste in one’s mouth than when the Army started giving robot dogs guns.

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