Monday 6 June 2022

Common Kitchen Ingredients Could Help Eliminate PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals’

PFAS are found in many water-resistant textiles. (Photo: Petar Milošević/Wikimedia Commons)
Over the last few years, you may have seen the terms “PFAS” or “forever chemicals” floating around the internet. These refer to a pair of highly toxic chemicals known to build up in the human body and never break down, resulting in long-term health risks. Scientists have historically struggled to find a way to destroy PFAS, hence the chemicals’ daunting colloquial name. But now, there might be hope: a group of researchers have found a way to help eliminate PFAS from larger chemical solutions using ultraviolet (UV) light and a few common kitchen ingredients.

PFAS, or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are made up of chains of molecules containing carbon-fluorine bonds—one of the strongest chemical bonds currently known. While this can be useful in specific circumstances (like cosmetics, firefighting foam, or water-repellent fabrics), PFAS have been found to leach from their intended settings into soil and the water supply. This results in the widespread, often oblivious consumption of PFAS via drinking water and produce. 

To say this is dangerous would be an understatement: PFAS have been found to contribute to negative health outcomes such as cancer, decreased fertility, liver damage, and thyroid disease. And while some types of PFAS can be degraded by mixing them into a sulfite solution and engaging UV rays, others withstand such treatment. 

(Photo: Gwendel Bar/Unsplash)

According to new research published in Environmental Science & Technology, however, we have a better shot at destroying more persistent types of PFAS than previously thought. Chemical and environmental engineers at the University of California Riverside and China’s Nanjing University realized that iodide (commonly found in table salt) produces higher quantities of bond-cutting electrons than sulfite (a culinary preservative) when exposed to UV radiation. They mixed a particularly stubborn type of PFAS known as PFBS into a solution with iodide and sulfate, then exposed the solution to UV radiation. Within 24 hours, more than 99 percent of the PFBS had been destroyed.

The novel technique can also be applied to other types of PFAS, including those that are more “easily” eliminated. Thanks to the way iodide and sulfite work together to encourage the destruction of pesky carbon-fluorine bonds, what were previously known as “forever chemicals” can be deconstructed using relatively simple tools. The researchers are currently working with an engineering firm to test their method at scale over the next two years.

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